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Frog Week

Frog Week is a citizen science project that aims to preserve Pennsylvania's wild frog and toad populations.


There are around eight species of frogs and toads in Cambria Somerset, Westmoreland, Bedford, Blair, and Indiana. These amphibians are declining rapidly due to deforestation, climate change, disease, and lack of support.


Created by AAron Capouellez in 2019, The nonprofit PA Woods and Forests is dedicated to advocating for these often-overlooked creatures. The six-month-long Frog Week project monitors wild populations of American toads, wood frogs, gray tree frogs, American bullfrogs, spring peepers, northern green frogs, and pickerel frogs.



The Frog Week Conservation Project has led to regional discoveries. During Frog Week 2021, Eastern Gray Tree Frogs were documented for the first time in Cambria and Somerset Counties, making the gray tree frog a target species and one we now manage.


Frog Week 2023 led to the discovery of the northern map turtle and the extension of the gray tree frog's range in Cambria County.


Other discoveries include American toads and pickerel frogs using a bridge to move between counties and a population of spotted salamanders reproducing twice in Westmoreland County between Frog Week 20 and Frog Week 2021. Frog Week 2024 is sure to uncover more regional discoveries!


​Frog Week is an exciting collaborative project that aims to enhance knowledge of wild frog populations.


The project involves documenting frogs, rescuing wounded or sick frogs, hosting Frog Walks, showcasing ambassador animals with Critter Talks, creating backyard habitats, relocating tadpoles, and presenting fieldwork on the Woods and Forests Media YouTube channel. Join us in this effort to protect and preserve these amazing animals!

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